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Discount Voucher

It is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate during online purchasing of products by your customer on your "Online E-Commerce Web".

So you can manage the details of discount vouchers & can check its details after used by customers.

Click on Commerce > Discount Vouchers Menu :
You will get page :

You can 'Add Discount Vouchers Detail' using add button. It can also be edit & delete.

Now you can feed the proper data & click to add to Save info:

  1. On Category : Select any item category if this coupon / discount voucher will be available only for those category of items during online purchasing.
  2. Voucher Number : Mention number.
    Note : It is  a voucher code, a simple alphanumeric sequence that can be scanned to ensure that the proper discount is applied to the purchase. 
  3. Starting Date  : Mention starting date for redemption of discount using this voucher.
  4. Expire Date  : Mention last date for redemption of discount using this voucher.
    Note : Discount voucher codes are only good for a limited period of time, with the terms of the voucher identifying the start and ending dates that the business will honor the discount
  5. No Of Person : Mention no. of limit for person to use this voucher.
  6. One User How Many Time  : Mention no. of limit to use this voucher by a one user.
  7. On : Select mode to use this voucher by customer to redeem discount. It can be "Price, Shipping" etc.
  8. Include Sub Category : Please tick this option to include sub category.
  9. Based On : Select mode, i.e : Gross Amount.

You will get the record, i.e.  :

Now you have to add its conditions for redeem this voucher online by customers.

For Ex : We have added here "Gross Amount" in based on mode. So define its limit & its percentage / amount.

Now you can feed the proper data & click to add to Save info:

  1. From : Starting range for amount.
  2. To : Ending range for amount.
  3. Discount Amount / Percentage : Voucher is based on percentage of total purchasing amount then mention percentage of discount.
    If voucher is based on amount of total purchasing amount then mention amount of discount.

You will get the record, i.e.  :

After successfully addition of Discount Voucher, Now you have to further move to manage Stock section. First you have to  'Add New Warehouse' record .

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