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Social Marketing

It's simple to post across your core social media channels with Epan. You can create post by clicking on "Add SocialPost" button. enter the content, link and click save. after page reloads you will see attachment button. Just add any number of images you want and click on save.
Default status of social content is Draft you need to submit it for approval, after it gets approved it can be scheduled.

Note : If the url you provided in the post is subdomain of epan.in (example : www.something.epan.in) then you can trace visits and see how many users visited your link and on what time they visited.

Scenario : you want to post content without scheduling then how will you trace back the visit of users?

Make a social post and click on the action "get url" and it will provide you a traceable url. post that traceable url instead of simple url and you will see the visits of user on that post as soon as someone visits. 
Simple url : https://epan.in 
traceable url : https://www.epan.in?page=index&source=Social&xepan_landing_content_id=3183

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