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Support Ticket

Normally, your customers contact to your organization / company via e-mail they send a message, and got a reply from your side. This works good, but when there is more customers - your support staff may be confused.

To provide better support to your customers, your organization can use Support Tickets. Your customers can describe problem in mail. After receiving of email, in "xEpan CRM Support Ticket" automatically created a ticket with an unique ID & customer will be notified by email.

Note : Support Ticket generated as per terms & condition i.e. : if customer contact with organization using its registered mail on xEpan. otherwise support ticket not generated & a denied mail automatically sent to customer that "This particular email is not registered. so we can't generate any support ticket. So please send your complaint detail using your registered email. "

As long as your customer issue is resolved by your organization, customer's ticket will be open - and because all conversation's messages will be in the same place. i.e. : Support Ticket In CRM Application.

In xEpan "Support Ticket" can be created in three ways.

  1. Via email which is sent by customer.
  2. Manually feeding by your support staff.
  3. By Employee to get solution of departmental issues.

In first kind of way, we can't feed manya

For using second kind of way to create support ticket, Click on CRM > Support Ticket Menu :
You will get page :

You can 'Support Ticket' using add button. It can also be edit & delete.

Details For Support Ticket  :

Complain To : Select support email to notify support staff.
Contact : Select contact person name, regarding issue to solved.
Subject : Define subject identify to issue/complaint. 
Message : Description about issue/complaint.
Priority : Set priority to solved issue. (i.e. : can be "Low, Medium, High, Urgent")..

You will get record, i.e. :

You can assign it to an employee & after solving of issue you can closed it too also.

Actions And Their significant :
On almost every grid in epan, you will see Status  and action dropdown. 
In sales invoice there are multiple kinds of actions based on status :

  1.  On Draft :
    [ Submit ]
    Submit : For submitting support ticket, after submittion of support ticket its status goes to "Pending". That's mean this complain pending to solved.
  2. On Pending :
    [ Reject, Assign, Closed, Comment ]
    Reject : You can reject support ticket too. On rejection of support ticket you will get window, i.e. :

    Note : If you tick on "Send Email", then after clicking of Send your support ticket related person will be notified via Email.

    Assign : You can assign it to an employee, for solve this particular problem or issue & based on ticket priority you can set priority too.

    Closed : After solution of problem you can closed that ticket, On closing of support ticket you will get window, i.e. :  . 

    Note :
    1. You haven't write the "Subject & Message in Email Body". Here you will see those texts which you already written during configuration of CRM in "Closed Ticket Mail Content" section.  
    2. If you tick on "Send Email", then after clicking of Send your support ticket related person will be notified via Email.
    Comment : You can comment on support ticket also using this action.

    After successfully addition of comment.

  3. On Assigned :
    [ Reject, Closed, Comment ]
  4. On Closed :
    [ Open ]
    Open : You can reopen it also. If still problem is not solved properly.

For using third kind of way to create support ticket, Click on My Menu > My Issue Menu : 

For get solution of departmental problems / issues we can use this menu. 

Details about issue.

Complain To : Please select support email to notify support staff. 

You will get record, i.e : 

After successfully inserted of issue. You have to submit this issue. After submitting it will be Pending to solved. Now support staff will be responsible to solve this issue.

Thus support tickets can managed by supporting staff using CRM application in xEpan.

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